Fractal EMS has an in-house team of IT and cybersecurity professionals who will design network architecture to meet project requirements and optimize operational efficiency, security, and scalability. Fractal’s objective is to design a secure network by prioritizing network segmentation, access controls, data encryption, continuous monitoring, physical security, and layered security. Fractal uses hardened devices, strong authentication mechanisms, and advanced threat detection to protect critical infrastructure from cyberattacks.

  • Fractal provides the firewall(s) to serve as overall network security by:
  • Providing a barrier between the trusted internal project network and the external network (internet)
  • Examining incoming and outgoing data packets and filtering them based on predefined rules/permissions
  • Preventing unauthorized access
  • Serving as the primary router for the project network by managing traffic between switches and devices within the network
  • Assigned VLANs to partition physical networks into suitable grouping to optimize performance, security, and traffic management
  • Fractal can configure the firewall in a High-Availability (HA) pairing that provides physical and ISP redundancy for critical assets.
  • Fractal provides site-level network switches to aggregate devices securely.
  • Multiple site network switches can be utilized as a redundant or clustering configuration depending on project requirements
  • Fractal can supply fiber patch panels to aggregate the fiber runs from the project.
  • Depending on the equipment, each unit controller will communicate with each PCS unit via Modbus TCP/IP or CAN 2.0. The Unit Controller will also communicate with the BMS via Modbus TCP/IP. Depending on the project’s topology, multiple BMS can be integrated at the unit level.
  • The Site Controller is connected via ethernet to the main network switch, which is then connected to the FNE-level switches through a fiber ring (most common). The Site Controller communicates with all Unit Controllers for the project via TCP-based protocol and communicates with the Fractal-supplied RTAC via Modbus or DNP3 using TCP/IP or serial for site-related telemetry.


Fractal’s network topology is very flexible and can consist of a single, redundant ring or star topology. Ring topologies typically align with the number of feeders to minimize extraneous trenching. Fractal works with the EPC to determine the suitable fiber type and configuration based on the project design and requiremd security. Additionally, the Fractal network hents. Fractal provides a fiber patch panel at the unit level to support the fiber ring tie-in to the unit-level network switches.

Note: Fractal EMS prefers two hardline internet connections for maximum stability, speed, anas a cellular backup connection with a dual SIM card to serve as a failover in case the hardwired internet connection(s) fails or becomes unavailable. A Starlink router and service can also be incorporated in areas with limited options.


Various communication protocols can be used to communicate between devices, and an RTAC is implemented as a protocol gateway.

  • Secure (e.g. 2-factor security authentication) access and communications using industry-standard protocols, including MQTT over TLS 1.3
  • Supports multiple communication protocols: RESTful Web API, Modbus, DNP3, IEC61850, IEC60870-5-104, CAN
  • Ability to interoperate with leading equipment providers
  • Authentication via certificates. Multiple levels of access and control for different user profiles
  • VPN tunnels and certificates between onsite and offsite communications








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